Friday, March 1, 2013

Activity 3.3.6

1.    What is important to consider when designing an HVAC system?
The code requirements as well as the building requirements and building budget.
2.    How does the HVAC system affect the design of the building structure?
The building may have to be built around the design requirements of the HVAC system and vice versa.
3.    How does an engineer know the requirements for mechanical design of an HVAC system?
Prior knowledge, college courses, on site training, code requirements, etc., all contribute to an engineer's knowledge of the mechanical design.
4.    Why is it important for architects to be aware of how mechanical systems are designed or constructed?
Because if they were unaware of how mechanical systems are designed and constructed, they may be designed and constructed incorrectly and unsafely.
5.    What information must an architect provide to a mechanical engineer to ensure proper design and placement of the mechanical systems?
Proper measurements and specifications and such.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Activity 3.1.2

1.    Identify the Building Code that applies in Noblesville by reviewing Section 154.04 Adoption of Rules by Reference in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances.
 Section 154.04 Article 13 b
2.    Visit the Indiana Association of Building Officials website at and follow the link to Current Codes. On which model code is the current Indiana Building Code based?
 The 2006 version of the International Building Code with Indiana revisions.
3.    Using the International Building Code, find the Use and Occupancy classification of the proposed new Keystone Building.
 The proposed library would be classified as A-3
4.    Using the International Building Code, describe each of the four types of construction. Based on the existing structure, under which of these types of construction could the Keystone Building fall? See section 503.1.
602.2 Types I and II. Types I and II construction are those types of construction in which the building elements listed in Table 601 are of noncombustible materials, except as permitted in Section 603 and elsewhere in this code. 602.3 Type III. Type III construction is that type of construction in which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of any material permitted by this code. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with Section 2303.2 shall be permitted within exterior wall assemblies of a 2-hour rating or less. 602.4 Type IV. Type IV construction (Heavy Timber, HT) is that type of construction in which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of solid or laminated wood without concealed spaces. The details of Type IV construction shall comply with the provisions of this section. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with Section 2303.2 shall be permitted within exterior wall assemblies with a 2-hour rating or less. Minimum solid sawn nominal dimensions are required for structures built using Type IV construction (HT). For glued-laminated members the equivalent net finished width and depths corresponding to the minimum nominal width and depths of solid sawn lumber are required as specified in Table 602.4. 602.5 Type V. Type V construction is that type of construction in which the structural elements, exterior walls and interior walls are of any materials permitted by this code. 

The building selected would fall into Type 1
5.    Compare the allowable Building Heights and Areas (IBC 2009 Table 503) for the Keystone Library using different construction types. What is the least restrictive construction type that can be used for the Keystone Library? Is a fire-protective layer required over the structural elements? Note: The letter A indicates that the structural members are protected by a fire-rated coating or cover (sheetrock, spray on, or another approved method). The letter B indicates that the structural members are not protected by an additional fire-rated coating or cover.
 Type  V-A construction is the least restrictive type of construction because there is no restriction on the materials that can be used.
6.    What materials do you propose to use for the new interior walls and floor for the Keystone Building? Justify your answer.
A wood frame and drywall interior would be suitable for the current structure
7.    Use the IBC to determine the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1004) for the Keystone Building assuming a second floor is added per the Keystone Library Renovation Preliminary Building plans (see Revit file). For now, conservatively assume that the second floor is entirely stacks and that the first floor is entirely reading rooms. In addition, because there is currently no plan to include an outside stairway to the roof, assume that the occupants of the green roof must exit through the 2nd floor. The building inspector has determined, based on the planned use of the green roof as additional reading area, that the occupant load for the green roof may be based on the requirements for reading rooms.
 Reading Room- 178
 Stacks- 47
 Total- 225
8.    The occupant load is used to determine the minimum egress width for the building. Use the IBC to determine the required total egress width (IBC 2009 Section 1005) for the Keystone Building including the second floor.
The minimum egress width for the building is 47 inches. 
9.    What is the minimum number of exits required for the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1021)?
4 exits.
10. Read IBC 2009 Section 1021.2. Is it permissible to have only a single exit from the ground floor? From the second floor? Justify your answers.
Single exits. Only one exit shall be required from Group R-3 occupancy buildings or from stories of other buildings as indicated in Table 1021.2. Occupancies shall be permitted to have a single exit in buildings otherwise required to have more than one exit if the areas served by the single exit do not exceed the limitations of Table 1021.2. Mixed occupancies shall be permitted to be served by single exits provided each individual occupancy complies with the applicable requirements of Table 1021.2 for that occupancy. Where applicable, cumulative occupant loads from adjacent occupancies shall be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 1004.1. Basements with a single exit shall not be located more than one story below grade plane
The answers to the following questions should be researched in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances and the Noblesville Zoning Map.
11. In which zoning designation does the Keystone building property lie? (Refer to the Keystone Library Site Location Map to help locate the site on the zoning map.)
Planned business.
12. Describe the purpose of this zoning designation. Document your answer with a section number from the code.
The purpose of the PB District is to encourage well-planned business uses, particularly with respect to unified design, safe ingress-egress, adequate and properly located parking and service facilities and convenient and safe pedestrian accessibility. 
 Found in 159.107
 13. What is the minimum lot size within this designation? Does the Keystone Property meet this requirement? Document your answer with a section number of the code.
 The minimum lot size is 20,000 square feet
According to section 159.107, the lot meets the minimum requirements.
14. What is the maximum building height according to the Noblesville ordinance?
 The maximum building height is 3 stories or 35 feet.
15. Read Section 159.120 of the Noblesville Code of Ordinances. Record any information that is important to the redevelopment of the Keystone building.
(A) Allowable Use of Land and Building.
(B)Property Access.  Every building hereafter erected or moved shall be located on a lot with frontage and access on a street, and provide for safe and convenient access, fire protection, and required off-street parking, except as otherwise provided in § 159.107
(C)Number of Buildings Per Lot.  Every building hereafter erected shall be located on a lot unless otherwise specified for planned developments.  In no case shall there be more than one principal building used for residential purposes, and its accessory buildings, located on one lot, except as otherwise provided in this chapter for a mobile home park or planned development.  If two or more principal non-residential buildings are located on a lot, the space between such buildings shall be as established by the yard setback requirements of the district in which the use is located.
16. Is the Use proposed in Keystone Building Project permitted on this property?  Document your answer.
Yes, the use proposed in Keystone Building Project is permitted on this property, as per section 159.120
17. When developing a property, when is landscaping and screening required?
Landscaping and Screening.  Landscaping and/or screening may be required in the following situations:
          (1)     Interior parking lot islands;
          (2)     Perimeter parking lot buffering;
          (3)     Buffering for non-residential uses abutting residential uses;
          (4)     Surrounding outdoor storage and waste disposal areas;
          (5)     Other situations as required in this chapter or as determined by the Director of Planning and Development, Technical Advisory Committee, Plan Commission, or Board of Zoning Appeals, as applicable.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Essential Questions 2.3

1.     How do you achieve a balance between cost-saving measures, important features, and environmental responsibility when designing a residential structure?
 These three things are very important in the design of a residential structure, and, when constructed in conjunction with each other, they can combine to form a cost-effective, energy efficient structure.
2.     What are the advantages and disadvantages of using 3D architectural software rather than creating hand-produced plans?
Both methods have distinct advantages and disadvantages. 3-D architectural modeling software can provide a much greater degree of precision than a hand-drawn model, however, such software can be hard to learn.
3.     Why are organizations such as LEED important?
 Organizations such as LEED, that reward architects and engineers for building energy-efficient structures, are important because they provide incentive to go the extra mile to construct a more cost-effective building that will require less energy to maintain.
4.     When planning a project, how does the availability of public utilities impact the design?
 A house's plumbing systems could differ slightly depending on whether a municipal water system is available or not. Such knowledge beforehand will help to avoid problems during the design phase.
5.     What options are available for the management of wastewater from a building?
 Both municipal water systems as well as a localized septic system are common options for wastewater management. Greywater systems, however, are sustainable design elements that reuse water for non-potable uses.
6.     What are the important considerations when design a plumbing system?
Some things that are important to consider are: whether or not a septic/well water system should be used or not; psi and gpm of water output both from a water tower or from a well, and the static and dynamic head loss as well as the effective length of the pipe from a water tower.
7.     Why should a designer know about the different types of lighting and their applications?
 Different types of lighting are better at illuminating different areas. For example, recessed lighting on a dimmer switch is good for a media/living room area, however, areas that require greater amounts of light (like a kitchen), should have non-recessed lighting fixtures with at least 100 watt bulbs. Interior lighting should never be used outdoors.
8.     What are the important considerations when designing an electrical system?
 Some important things to remember are: Which switches control which light(s), how much electricity a certain type of light will consume, where to place electrical outlets, and how to reasonably arrange switches and outlets.
9.     What information is important when documenting the design of a building
Keeping all the information located in an easy to find area while keeping the sheets un-cluttered is important, as well as giving all the information necessary for a construction team to build the building to design specifications.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Affordable Housing Project


     The affordable housing project I designed is a Habitat for Humanity house located in Noblesville, IN. A map of the area is provided below. This house was designed for the Cook family, a family of four. There are two adults and two children sharing a three bedroom home. Incorporated into the house are the following sustainable design features: Feasible daylighting and Energy Star rated appliances. Being constrained to the Habitat for Humanity guidelines, I had to keep the house within 1070 square feet. To give the relatively small home an open and, thus, larger feeling, I arranged all of the home's rooms around an open living room/kitchen/dining room area that was minimally separated to both save space and provide an open, flowing atmosphere. The client originally wanted an attached storage area, but after incorporating it into the design, it put the total area over the limit. Removing it, however, put the area somewhat under the limit. The client and I eventually agreed to remove it from the final plans.

Bubble Diagrams


Site Plan


Dimensioned Floor Plan

Elevation Views

Wall Section View

Window and Door Schedule

Room Schedule with Square Footage Total

Electrical Plan

Plumbing Plan


Water Pressure Calculations: LINK 
I found the actual water pressure to be somewhere around 44.51 (rounded) PSI, which achieves the residential minimum.
Note: Due to some technical difficulties with Excel, some of the values on the spreadsheet are of a smaller font than the rest of the document. This was not intended, and is still readable if you zoom in slightly with the buttons in the top left of the window.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Activity 2.3.2

1.    Rainfall falls on most parcels of property throughout the world. Describe one method that could be used to collect this natural resource.
Website: Click Here____________________________________________________
A rain barrel would be an effective and cheap way to harness and reuse fallen rainwater.

2.  Describe an innovative construction method or technique that benefits the environment.
Website: Click Here____________________________________________________
Using blown-in recycled paper insulation that is fire treated is an efficient option that keeps paper that otherwise would have ended up in a landfill in use.

3.   During the construction cycle of the building, materials and components are delivered to the site. List a strategy that you will use to recycle the waste produced during the construction phase. 
Website: Click Here_____________________________________________________
Separation of waste material so that it may be easily recycled later and ordering optimal quantities of materials to reduce unused portions of said materials are effective strategies for minimizing construction waste during the construction process.

4.  Energy use is high in commercial buildings. What might a designer do to reduce energy consumption in a building?
 Website: Click Here_____________________________________________________
A designer of any building might start by choosing a building site that would  facilitate green construction, choose a cheap, effective insulation material that has a high R-value, and use an energy efficient heating/cooling system that does not far exceed the necessary output.

5.    Building sites offer natural resources that can be utilized for the life of the building. Describe a method to use a site’s natural resources in the construction of the structure.        
Website: Click Here_____________________________________________________
Constructing a building in a region in which a geothermal energy system is feasible would be a good way to use the Earth's heat to effectively heat (or cool) a structure and possibly provide a source of alternative electricity as well.

1.    Describe an original green and sustainable idea that you have. Choose one that is not currently in use as far as you know.
 An electric generator that would use part of its power to charge a battery that was dedicated to running said generator. This would allow the generator to theoretically run forever. Even though the concept of a perpetual machine was disproven many years ago, it is a philosophical concept that has been cause for much pondering.
2.    Describe an improvement that you believe could be made to the building where you live. Describe why it is an improvement.
A grey water system that reused cleaner wastewater to provide water to the outdoor garden. This is an improvement because currently, water is pumped from the well rather than reused. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Activity 1.1.2

1.)Principle of Design: Rhythm
    Justification: The beams and arches appear to exhibit a certain rhythmic quality

2.)Principle of Design: Horizontal Balance
Justification: The two halves are symmetrical if a vertical line is drawn down the center.

3.)Element of Design: Emphasis
Justification: The color difference between the tower and the building draws attention to the tower.

4.)Principle of Design: Shape
Justification: The building has a sort of oblong look to it, exhibiting the shape of a spheroid.
5.)Principle of Design: Unity
Justification: The colors chosen all exhibit a quality of similarity that makes them visually appealing.

6.)Principle of Design: Rhythm
Justification: The repetition of the triangular shapes of the roofs that continues down the structure shows rhythm.

7.)Principle of Design: Unity
Justification: The consistent use of materials and color bring about the said principle

8.)Principle of Design: Proportion
Justification: The arches on the upper level of the structure are of a shorter height than those on the bottom.

9.)Element of Design: Horizontal Balance
Justification: If one were to cut the building into two halves, they would both be nearly identical.

10.)Element of Design: Color
Justification: The buildings, while appearing identical, are distinguishable by their vibrant colors.

1.) In what way do certain elements or principles identify the time period in which a structure was created?
     Because certain cultures from certain parts of history used certain elements and or principles to create a distinct type of architecture characteristic to that certain culture. 
2.) What factors might account for an incorrect identification?
     If a culture were to copy a previous culture's building style (for example the Romans copying the Greeks), then a less educated person may incorrectly identify it.
3.)Describe an example of a way that design principles and elements could impact the function of a building.
     A building that has a symmetrical layout likely could have more flow and may or may not be able to use space more effectively.